役割期待別研修 / グローバル研修
Language Services
人材育成の根幹を担うのは現場でのOJT(On the Job Training)ですが、当社はこうしたOJTを通じた人材育成を支援・補完するため、さまざまな研修を通じたOFF-JT(Off the Job Training)も充実させております。
研修に関するお問い合わせ、カスタマイズ研修の企画・立案・運営など、研修実施に関する各種ご相談は、>> こちらのお問い合わせフォームからどうぞ。
〒100-8631 東京都千代田区大手町1-3-1 JAビル22階
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〒413-0001 静岡県熱海市泉428-3
Mitsui & Co. and its group companies have a long history and tradition of focusing on human resources and has worked consistently to develop and deploy talent capable of contributing to society. This commitment is recognized even outside of the company and has earned it a reputation expressed in the words “Mitsui is people”.
As a company determined to contribute to society by realizing the management philosophy of Mitsui & Co. and its group companies, we believe that our greatest priority is to develop human resources by enhancing the potential of every individual.
Mitsui & Co.’s approach to human resource development centers on on-the-job training (OJT) in frontline work situations. However, Mitsui & Co. HRD Institute supports and complements OJT-based human resource development by expanding and enhancing off-the-job training (Off-JT). We support human resource development and organizational development in various ways, including the planning and administration of educational and training programs, primarily for people working for Mitsui & Co. and its group companies around the world, and the provision of language services.
We introduce some of our distinctive training programs by category.
Job position-oriented training provides opportunities to acquire the mindset required for global consolidated management, including the business practices and shared values necessary for Mitsui & Co. employees.
Objective-specific training provides opportunities to acquire skills that will contribute to the implementation of the Mitsui & Co. group’s strategies. An extensive line-up of courses has been developed to meet various learning needs.
Mitsui & Co. HRD Institute also runs customized training programs to meet the needs of Mitsui & Co. and its group companies.
We also provide customized training to meet the needs of Mitsui and its group companies.
Click here for examples of customized training programs
Please use this inquiry form to submit inquiries about our training programs, including the planning, proposal, and administration of customized training programs.
We use a variety of training venues to match particular training programs. Examples are shown below.
22F JA Building, 3-1 Otemachi, 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8631, Japan
428-3, Izumi, Atami-shi, Shizuoka 413-0001, Japan
We provide high-quality foreign language translation, English editing services, and translation tools to Mitsui & Co. and its group companies. We offer these in partnership with professional translators selected for their specialist knowledge in various fields and extensive practical experience.
As providers of top-notch language services, we use international business knowledge and data accumulated by Mitsui & Co. over many years to produce results optimized to meet our clients’ needs.
Through the provision of exceptional language services, we support the global business of Mitsui & Co. and its group companies.
(Please note that we are only able to provide foreign language translation and English editing services to Mitsui & Co., its overseas offices, and its wholly owned subsidiaries in Japan and overseas.)
We endeavor to meet the needs of our clients by providing high-quality translations of a wide range of materials, including business letters, internal documents, text for posting on corporate intranet and internet sites, contracts, as well as highly technical legal and financial documents.
Our experienced native English speakers check documents created in English for grammar errors and natural wording, and carefully refine texts based on a deep understanding of Mitsui & Co.’s philosophy, business practices, and culture.
Rapid advances in AI technology have brought significant improvements in the quality of machine translation. We have introduced AI translation services under an agreement with an external vendor.
Click here to send an inquiry regarding our language services.
Mitsui & Co. HRD Institute offers support services to enhance the recruitment capabilities of Mitsui & Co. group companies. We operate a group recruitment site for new graduates, run employment briefing events for group companies, and manage entry applications for group companies.
We also provide assistance with mid-career recruitment, including the operation of group mid-career recruitment websites, and joint recruitment programs for group companies. Please consult us about the ways in which we can work alongside individual companies to address recruitment issues.
• For recruitment of new graduates
Operation of group recruitment site
Planning and administration of joint seminars for group companies
Management of group entry processes
• For mid-career recruitment
Support for direct recruitment
Operation of mid-career recruitment pages for group companies
Planning and administration of joint recruitment programs for group companies
• Others
Planning support for long-term internships
Planning support for new recruitment methods
Outsourcing of recruitment processes